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Lucas Samaras



ARTEXT : La Biennale di Venezia
53 Esposizione Internazionale d'Art

Giardini di Castello - Grecia


Lucas Samaras



Matthew Higgs
- Paraxena includes sculptural works from the mid 1960s juxtaposed with photographic and video works produced between 2005 and 2009. I don’t see these relationships as being a retrospective or historical gesture. Rather it seems to me there’s something more fluid about the positioning of these older works in relation to the recent works?

Luvas Samaras: - This makes me think back to the early 1960s, when the Museum of Modern Art in New York showed Monet’s huge water lily paintings. Most of us in New York hadn’t seen them before, and they arrived at the right moment; all of a sudden it was as if they were new. I really think images have that impact: that when you see them for the first time that is when they are born, so to speak. Throughout history certain artists’ work has become obscured, often for decades, centuries even, and then somehow it is resurrected, and it is effectively reborn. I wouldn’t mind if aspects of my earlier work had that potential to resurface and become new again.


Curatori : Matthew Higgs

Artisti :  Lucas Samaras


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Artext © 2009