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ARTEXT : La Biennale di Venezia
52 Esposizione Internazionale d'Arte
GIARDINI  Padiglione Australia




Daniel von Sturmer esplora il modo con cui si può forzare un significato per adattarlo o collegarlo a un altro concetto; il modo in cui il linguaggio struttura il nostro pensiero e la nostra comprensione del mondo; l’interazione tra “spazio pittorico” e “spazio reale”, tra aspettativa e percezione.

-Daniel von Sturmer shifts the perception paradigm in the pavilion.

In many ways painting is about perception. The eye is deceived by a range of illusions into believing, for instance, that depth exists, where in fact there is merely a surface; or that things are smaller or larger, when in fact they have no relationship in reality. Even when art is neither pictorial, nor seeking to represent a type of spatial reality, when it is abstract say, it still concerns itself with causing the eye to travel and make kinetic that which is actually inert.

Sculpture is not illusional, but actual, and is about balance, volume, form and shape and the ways these things react with space. Whether sculpture is figurative or abstract, these things are always important.

The moving image is about capturing colours and objects before they have molecular fallout and disintegrate into nothingness. And so the moving image is about speed and movement and light and optics, and about the transitory and fleeting encounter of things that have their own status as kinetic objects.

Space is something you move into, and into which you place things to reorganize negative and positive propositions that cause the contemplation of things related by their deposition within space. Daniel von Sturmer is concerned with all these things when he creates his sculptural films and object installations that ask the viewer to look and decipher illusion and solids in kinetic interaction. Scale, distance, horizontality, verticality, generality and quiddity are all encountered in von Sturmer's own play of the perceptible, in which empirical evidence is constantly called into question - [Preview for Venice - Juliana Engberg ]


Curatore - Juliana Engberg

Artista : Daniel von Sturmer

Web Site :  



Artext © 2007